Aronica of The Advance Group shares where she was ten years ago, and where she is headed today

What single event, professional or personal, has most significantly impacted your career? The single most significant event that impacted my career was getting into outside sales. With the changes that occurred due to 9/11, I was forced to seek a new career path and was advised by several friends and colleagues that I should consider becoming an outside sales agent. I considered that advice very seriously and that became the catalyst of my first networking experience. With the assistance of a close friend, Jan Guarino, who made an announcement at one of her networking groups, I obtained six interviews one of which was a moving company–the rest is now history. I later joined that very same networking group served as a board member and became a part of several other established networking groups. Networking for new business became the very niche that would establish my career.
What was the best decision that you made in the last year?
The best decision that I made in the last year was accepting the position here at The Advance Group. I receive total support in all my endeavors, my ideas are well received and my decisions are totally respected. With the broad range of expertise, capabilities and resources, I am able to confidently and proudly represent The Advance Group to my clients, networking associates and organizations.
Who has been the strongest influence on your career and why?
The strongest influence on my career has been Richard Renner. For nearly five years we worked side by side on all types of moving projects ranging from basic estimates to onsite project management. Renner was able to help me conceptualize the logistics and creative thinking involved with planning an effective move. His expertise, knowledge, leadership and manner have been instrumental in my career. If I find myself on a complicated estimate, I pull from the experience and “know how” of Renner.
What advice would you give to a woman just starting a career in your field?
My advice to a woman starting in this field would be to align yourself with someone who you trust and respect and is willing to share industry knowledge with you and become a coach or mentor. Accept invitations to attend networking meetings either one on one or in groups. In time, you will discern where your time and effort is most productively spent. You will soon develop a core circle of trusted colleagues that will provide support, business opportunities and sometimes lasting friendship.